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How do I sign up for PayLink?It's easy! Simply go to our website at and complete the registration page. A verification code for your initial login will be emailed to you immediately, and you can check your balance or begin making online payments with your first login.
What information do I need?You will need your 6-digit customer number, and your 6-digit account number. These numbers are located on the top right of the Account Summary tab of your utility bill.
What can I use as my username?Your username can be anything you want, as long as it's not already taken. We do not require any specific combinations of letters, numbers, or special characters, although spaces are not allowed.
What is a Display Name?The Display Name is a field required for internal purposes. We do not require any specific combination of letters, numbers or special characters. You may use your user name if you choose.
What can I use as my password?Your password must be at least 8 characters long, and must include at least 1 number and 1 uppercase letter.
Does the password require a combination of letters and numbers?Your password must be at least 8 characters long, and must include at least 1 number and 1 uppercase letter.
Where is my verification code?The verification code is sent to the email address you entered on the registration form. If you do not see this email in your inbox, please check your Junk or Spam folders. Your Internet Service Provider or Email Provider may have flagged this email as Junk or Spam. If you do not receive the email, please contact us (760) 435-3900.
My password doesn't work, what do I do?Your password is case sensitive. Please be sure to type the password using the appropriate case. If it still does not work, use the Forgot Password link to reset it.
How do I change my password?You can change your password any time by clicking on Change Profile, and then Manage Password.
What if I forget my password?Use the Forgot Password link on the login page. Enter your username, then click on Send Password. Your password reminder will be sent to your email address registered to the account.
Can I make a one-time payment without registering?Yes! City of Oceanside utility customers can pay online without registering by using the 'One-Time Payment' button on the website. All you need is your 6-digit customer and 6-digit account number.
What are e-bills?If you opt to receive e-bills, you will get an email notification each month when your new bill is available. Please note that no further paper bills will be mailed to you once the e-bill option is selected. To request e-bills, login, then select Change Profile on the left menu, then select Manage Profile. There you will see the option for e-bills.
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